We are all unique both inside and out; there is not a single adequate technique for all cases. Dr. Adrián personalizes each treatment in a creative way. Dr. Adrian has a broad criteria of diagnosis, management and a great ability to pay attention to the small details and wishes of each patient, this is what sets his results apart. In addition, his extensive training with renowned surgeons with a long history in this surgical field have always allowed him to offer a superior and trustworthy service.
In summary, Dr. Adrián thinks that real art comes from the heart, and for this, much study, discipline and experience are required to satisfy the desire of each person.
Early Beginnings
Born in Barranquilla, Colombia. Dr. Adrián from an early age in his hometown became interested in general medicine while watching his uncle practice as a gynecologist and hospital director, being for him a great example to follow.
Dr. Adrián’s first approach to the art and science of plastic surgery comes at the age of 18 when he had to undergo maxillofacial surgery lasting more than 11 hours to correct some bone defects that disturbed the normal appearance of his face and teeth. It was then when Dr. Adrián understood the true reason for this surgical art, expressing that his self-esteem improved infinitely.
All of the above motivated him to get training in plastic & reconstructive surgery so he would be able to make his patients see and feel the same way he felt.
Training and Acomplishments
While pursuing this ambition, Dr. Adrián completed a rigorous Medicine program at the Universidad del Norte in Barranquilla – Colombia, where after 6 years of hard study he graduated with honors being recognized as a distinguished student. Universidad del Norte is undoubtedly one of the most exclusive and rigorous universities in the country. After this achievement, Dr. Adrián was awarded the opportunity to complete a year of medical internship at the University of Extremadura, Badajoz – Spain, acquiring knowledge in internal medicine, general surgery, emergency medicine, among others.
Having completed his institutional education regime, Dr. Adrián travelled to Buenos Aires – Argentina, where he homologated his medical degree with the government. After educational examinations, he moved to the city of Villa María – Córdoba to begin his training in general surgery.
Subsequently, and in his desire to dedicate himself to the surgical art of beauty, Dr. Adrián travelled to the United States, where he was trained in aesthetic procedures under the supervision of a renowned plastic surgeon with more than 20 years of experience and also member of the American Society of Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), where the training focused on advanced facial rejuvenation and skin tightening procedures. It is there Dr. Adrián immediately began his extensive career with OneSpaWorld working on cruise ships around the world, obtaining the privilege of improving, learning and promoting the beauty of patients from multiple cultures, races and nationalities such as USA, United Kingdom, Mexico, Jamaica, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Norway, Australia, Colombia, among others.
After 4 years of this wonderful personal and professional experience, Dr. Adrián made the decision to continue increasing his surgical knowledge and skills focusing on the aesthetic and reconstructive field. It is then, when he travelled to the city of Havana – Cuba and began his Plastic & Reconstructive residency at the best university on the island, Havana University of Medical Sciences (in Spanish, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de la Habana). Dr. Adrián narrates that the required standard of this university is one of the most rigorous that he knows.
General and specialized medical care, including plastic surgery in Cuba, unlike other countries, is free. This allowed Dr. Adrián to perform hundreds of low, medium and high complexity surgeries with in the Cuban population during his training, allowing him to acquire skills and abilities of the highest professional level.
Constant Evolution
Dr. Adrián is characterized by his interest in innovation and constant training. This is why he, day by day, continuously updates his knowledge. He is part of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), which is made up of more than 3,000 certified plastic surgeons around the world, sharing among them, the new and best techniques of modern society, in order to provide each patient with the highest quality, safety and confidence in the different procedures he performs.
The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) was established in 1970 to promote excellence in the field of cosmetic surgery worldwide. The Society is especially dedicated to patient education and safety. This partnership enables respected ISAPS members to provide up-to-date information on a variety of topics. We encourage the public, the media, and medical professionals to trust this society as a resource in the precise aesthetic industry. ISAPS also provides a forum for communication between interested parties and accredited international specialists.
Please visit www.isaps.org for more information.
Curriculum VItae
Colegio Nuestra Señora del Carmen
Academic Bachelor
1993 / 2004
Foreing Languages – English.
Universidad del Atlántico
2002 – 2005
IELTS: Level B2 y C1.
Cambridge School – United Kingdom.
English Assessment.
20 – February – 2016
Medical School
Universidad Del Norte
Barranquilla – Colombia
2005 / 2011
Medical Intership
Universidad de Extremadura
Badajoz – Spain
2010 – 2011
Advanced Facial Rejuvenation
(Restylane®, Perlane®, Dysport®, Botox® Cosmetic) and Skin Tightening Treatments with THERMAGE®
Miami – USA.
General Surgery Residency
Villa María – Argentina.
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Residency
Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de la Habana
La Habana – Cuba.
2017 – 2021.
24th congress of ISAPS and ASAPS
(International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery)
(American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery)
October 31st/18 – November 4th/18.
Miami – Florida – USA.